allEasy medical GmbH

Innovative medical technology is highly complex, and so is its marketing. Our goal is to help you through this challenging processes. Making your and your client’s business transaction as smooth as possible.

Our service firm in Saarland as well as our commercial office in Jeddah, Saudi-Arabia offer you:   

allEasy medical GmbH

Innovative medical technology is highly complex, and so is its marketing. Our goal is to help you through this challenging processes. Making your and your client’s business transaction as smooth as possible.

Our service firm in Saarland as well as our commercial office in Jeddah, Saudi-Arabia offer you: 

Technical Expertise

consisting of a multi-professional team our expertise encompasses medicine, medical physics, medical technology, sales, training, monitoring and evaluation

Cultural Expertise

as a multicultural team from Germany and the Gulf region we unite the best of both cultures: German reliability and quality with Arabic flexibility and relationship strength

Market Expertise

as a dynamic organization we are continuously improving ourselves through training and feedback. We also offer our clients the opportunity to use our product monitoring and customer feedback services to improve their products

Our service firm in Saarland as well as our commercial office in Jeddah, Saudi-Arabia offer you:   

Working for your success

We are a German business with an established distribution partner in Saudi Arabia. Our team is working together to distribute and ensure the effective implementation of your medical technology.

Al Ezzi Hussein

Hussein Al-Ezzi

CEO / CTO Germany
Biomedical Engineering B.Sc.
Medical Physics M.Sc.
AR | DE | EN

P Ruschmann2

Ahmed Al-Moayed

CEO Germany
Computer Science Dipl. Inf
Medical products consultant
AR | DE | EN


Modern Rabiyah
Trading Company

Established 2005
60 employees
Jeddah, SA
Riyadh, SA

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Exportregionen in der Übersicht


Utilize our help to widen your market in Saudi-Arabia and the MENA region.
allEasy Serviceleistungen


Learn about our wide and dynamic range of services.


Learn more about us and our philosophy.

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Exportregionen in der Übersicht


Nut­zen Sie Ihre Ex­port­chan­cen in die MENA-Re­gion und nach Saudi-Arabien.
allEasy Serviceleistungen


Über­zeu­gen Sie sich von un­ser­em brei­ten und an­pass­ba­ren Leis­tungs­spek­trum.


Er­fah­ren Sie mehr über uns und un­sere Phi­lo­so­phie.

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